Hemp cbd vs thc cbd

Hemp cbd vs thc cbd

CBD products are skyrocketing in popularity. Fans of CBD often report relief from symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety, chronic pain , and other ailments, without the "high" associated with cannabis products that contain THC. Here's what you need to know before further exploring the benefits of this substance. Hemp and cannabis are actually two different parts of the same plant. Cannabis consists of the buds or flowers typically referred to as marijuana.

CBD from Marijuana vs CBD Oil from Hemp

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You can unsubscribe from Leafly email messages anytime. Cannabis consumers have long prized potency a high THC content as one of the main factors that makes a particular strain more desirable.

Though traditional demand for THC has caused an oversaturation of high-potency products, many consumers are starting to prefer less intense products that are lower in THC and higher in the non-intoxicating compound called CBD cannabidiol.

It also addresses one of the most common reasons people choose to use CBD—pain management. By binding to cannabinoid receptors, it will keep THC from activating those receptors. This translates to a less intense psychoactive effect, which is why products with a mix of CBD and THC are great for first-time consumers.

This does not mean that CBD, by itself, cannot offer an effect. High doses of CBD often produce a profoundly relaxing experience. Like stepping out of a hot tub, your body may feel tingly and relaxed, and your brain may be clear. With the passing of the Farm Bill in December , industrial hemp became a legal agricultural commodity in all 50 states.

The list of conditions CBD may help with is ever-expanding. Though clinical and anecdotal evidence suggests CBD can help manage different conditions, CBD became most famous for treating a rare and debilitating form of pediatric epilepsy. People with the condition are plagued by seizures, often up to hundreds a day, and they usually worsen as people age and can be life-threatening.

Currently, treatment methods include having a child wear an eyepatch, specialized diets, and brain surgery, but all have mixed success rates.

In less than two years, Charlotte went from a monthly seizure count of 1, to about three. Other success stories followed and more parents have begun to speak out, particularly parents desperate for access to this life-saving treatment. CBD has no lethal dose or known serious side effects. The idea of using cannabis-derived compounds for pediatric conditions remains a touchy subject in a culture where cannabis has been stigmatized.

Although THC is best known for its mind-altering euphoria, it too has important medical benefits. Many patients find that a balance of CBD and THC offers the best symptom relief as the two work together synergistically. High-CBD strains tend to deliver very clear-headed, functional effects without the euphoric high associated with high-THC strains.

A high-CBD strain would also be a great choice for someone needing to medicate throughout the day to control pain, inflammation, anxiety, or other chronic conditions.

Hemp products also contain CBD, though it is a less efficient source and lacks the beneficial chemical diversity of cannabis-derived CBD products more on that here. Keep in mind that CBD levels may vary from crop to crop—even from plant to plant.

This post was originally published on July 3, It was most recently updated on April 1, Our team of cannabis professionals collectively share years of experience in all corners of the market, from growing and retail, to science and medicine, to data and technology.

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CBD can be extracted from hemp or from marijuana. Hemp plants are cannabis plants that contain less than percent THC, while marijuana plants are cannabis. To filter out the CBD marketing, here's a cannabis breakdown: Cannabis (often referred to as marijuana) and hemp are two varieties of the same.

The buzz around CBD has launched it to the forefront of many treatment regimens as a promising product that can effectively treat or manage many symptoms, but what is the difference between hemp-derived and marijuana-derived CBD oils? One is available widely online from sites like DiscoverCBD. If you find yourself asking whether hemp- or medical marijuana-derived CBD is better for you then this is a must read. In this article , we will explore the pros and cons of both hemp- and medical marijuana-derived CBD and help you decide which one is right for you. The differences between hemp and marijuana are not immediately obvious.

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This can be a frustrating sidetrack for people seeking information, especially since CBD oil has been getting some much-deserved attention recently from the medical community. It all began with some extremely promising studies on children who are suffering from epilepsy.

What's the Difference Between CBD, THC, Cannabis, Marijuana, and Hemp?

With so much misinformation on the internet about CBD oil, one of the most common questions we get from consumers is asking what the difference is between CBD from marijuana vs CBD oil from hemp. To the untrained eye, there may not appear to be any difference between CBD from marijuana vs CBD oil from hemp, but there are actually quite a few notable distinctions between the two. At Medical Marijuana, Inc. Despite these important differences, many prospective cannabis consumers are surprised by the number of similarities between hemp and marijuana. However, the resemblance should come as little surprise, since both hemp and marijuana are versions of the Cannabis Sativa L. As we dig deeper into the two types of cannabis plants, we begin to see how they can each play a role in the use of cannabis.


It would be difficult to fail to notice the surge in meaningful media attention to the health and wellness benefits of CBD. Even the most entrenched opponents of cannabis legalization have relented, under the weight of emerging research. Of course, history and testimony to the medicinal use of cannabis is far and deep, reaching into antiquity. Hemp oil grown in the United States is subject to the same seed-to-sale state laws that apply to marijuana. Hemp and marijuana are both Cannabis. Hemp is Cannabis sativa, and marijuana is either Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica. Hemp is simply the common and legal term for cannabis that contains less than. Well, yes, it does. All cannabis serves exceptionally well for phyto-remedation purposes.

Cannabidiol CBD has become an increasingly common fixture in medicine cabinets and on the shelves of local convenience stores and major drugstores.

Your primer on all things cannabis, including how to make the most of the therapeutic benefits with or without the high. Cannabis is one of the buzziest new wellness trends, and it's only gaining momentum. Once associated with bongs and hacky sacks, cannabis has made its way into mainstream natural medicine.

CBD vs. THC: What’s the difference?

Share your location to get the most relevant content and products around you. Leafly keeps personal information safe, secure, and anonymous. By accessing this site, you accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. We use cookies to enable essential features of our site and to help personalize your experience. Learn more about our use of cookies in our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe from Leafly email messages anytime. Cannabis consumers have long prized potency a high THC content as one of the main factors that makes a particular strain more desirable. Though traditional demand for THC has caused an oversaturation of high-potency products, many consumers are starting to prefer less intense products that are lower in THC and higher in the non-intoxicating compound called CBD cannabidiol. It also addresses one of the most common reasons people choose to use CBD—pain management. By binding to cannabinoid receptors, it will keep THC from activating those receptors. This translates to a less intense psychoactive effect, which is why products with a mix of CBD and THC are great for first-time consumers.

Hemp CBD vs Cannabis CBD: 3 Crucial Differences

Compared to whole plant CBD -rich cannabis, industrial hemp grown for fiber or seed is typically low in cannabinoid content. If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal and available, look for CBD products made from cannabis. Cannabis has been an ally of humankind since before the written word, providing fiber for cordage and cloth, seeds for nutrition, and roots, leaves and flowers for ritual and healing. In the botanical world, there are, broadly speaking, two kinds of cannabis — hemp plants and drug plants. Hemp plants include plants grown for fiber and plants grown for seed oil. The main difference between hemp plants and drug plants is resin content. Industrial hemp plants are low-resin plants.

Cannabis Oil vs. Hemp Oil

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