What is hemp used for medically

What is hemp used for medically

Hemp , or industrial hemp , is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products. Although cannabis as a drug and industrial hemp both derive from the species Cannabis sativa and contain the psychoactive component tetrahydrocannabinol THC , they are distinct strains with unique phytochemical compositions and uses. Some governments regulate the concentration of THC and permit only hemp that is bred with an especially low THC content. In those languages "hemp" can refer to either industrial fiber hemp or narcotic cannabis strains.

The Basics of Hemp

With 23 states and the District of Columbia having legalized medical marijuana to some degree, health-related cannabis products are growing. Some of these products are hemp-based and some are marijuana-based, but what is the difference?

Hemp and marijuana are two varieties of the same plant, cannabis sativa. Hemp refers to a variety that has agricultural and manufacturing uses, while marijuana is the name traditionally given to plants grown for their psychotropic effects.

Differences include:. Another distinction between hemp-based and marijuana-based products is their legality. Products derived from marijuana can only be sold in states that have passed medical marijuana legislation. Hemp-derived products, on the other hand, are legal in all 50 states. Until recently, hemp was illegal to grow in the United States, so all hemp-based products were imported.

In the past few years, some states began allowing for academic and agricultural hemp research, as well as exploration for potential commercial opportunities. In , federal legislation was signed approving hemp research in states that had previously passed hemp laws. One medical product on the market is hemp oil. Hemp oil is made from seeds or from processed hemp stalks. While touted to be full of CBD , which is used to treat nausea, vomiting, seizures, inflammation, mood disorders and pain, hemp oil is not regulated.

Thus, the amount of CBD may not be optimal for medical purposes. In addition, hemp oil is high in polyunsaturated fats. Excess polyunsaturated fats have been linked to cardiac problems, increased risk of inflammation and tumor growth. Some who have taken hemp oil report side effects including diarrhea, cramping, anxiety, hallucinations and problems with excess bleeding.

Finally, hemp oil may contain soil contaminants, such as heavy metals, that may not be filtered out of the final product. So when seeking medical cannabis solutions, be sure to purchase your cannabis product from a reputable dispensary that has had its product tested for purity and safety. Both Hemp and Cannabis have noticeable levels of CBD, which is beneficial in many medical applications. Many experts, however, believe that CBD derived from Cannabis can be more effective.

It is seen as more effective because of the 'entourage effect', how the cannabinoids all work together in the body. Photo Credit. Hemp Versus Marijuana Hemp and marijuana are two varieties of the same plant, cannabis sativa. Differences include: How they are cultivated. Hemp is grown outdoors whereas marijuana is grown both outdoors and indoors.

Their size and structure. Hemp grows between 10 and 16 feet in height and looks like bamboo. Marijuana is less than 5 feet tall, is bushy and has more flowers. Their utility. Hemp is used to make textiles, rope, paper, plastic, food, body care products, nutritional supplements, essential oils and medicine. Marijuana is primarily used for recreational and medicinal purposes. The cannabinoid composition. According to the U.

Department of Agriculture , hemp contains less than 1 percent tetrahydrocannabinol THC , which is the chemical associated with marijuana's high. In contrast, marijuana contains between 3 percent and 15 percent THC. Legal Usage Another distinction between hemp-based and marijuana-based products is their legality. Hemp Oil One medical product on the market is hemp oil.

Hemp oil is not the same as cannabidiol (CBD) oil. The production of CBD oil uses the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant, which. A derivative of cannabis (marijuana), hemp has been used for millennia in textiles, medicine and food, by people all over the world. Despite this.

Hemp Cannabis is a plant species in the hemp family. It is particularly valued as a renewable resource for textiles, paper and building materials, but also for the production of high quality food and applications for everyday use. With increasing interest in the therapeutic potential of CBD, hemp has another opportunity to be one of the most significant plants for mankind. Commercial hemp contains less than 0.

Industrial hemp is the term given to the stalk, seeds, oil, and leaves of the cannabis Sativa plant. These materials are used to create industrial products like building materials, textiles, paper products, personal care items, health supplements, and much more.

Most plants are used first in folk remedies. There is a good chance that hemp was used medicinally long before the effects were recorded. What is clear, though, is the long history of using hemp for multiple purposes, researching its effectiveness on a variety of symptoms and maladies.

Hemp & Cannabidiol: What is a Medicine?

With 23 states and the District of Columbia having legalized medical marijuana to some degree, health-related cannabis products are growing. Some of these products are hemp-based and some are marijuana-based, but what is the difference? Hemp and marijuana are two varieties of the same plant, cannabis sativa. Hemp refers to a variety that has agricultural and manufacturing uses, while marijuana is the name traditionally given to plants grown for their psychotropic effects. Differences include:. Another distinction between hemp-based and marijuana-based products is their legality.

Hemp As Medicine | A History of Hemp As Medicine Since Ancient China

If you pay any attention to the world of marijuana or even the world of politics, you have probably heard about this plant called hemp. So, what is hemp? Hemp is a close relative in the marijuana plant—both members of the cannabis family. For decades, in other areas of the world, hemp has been one of the most versatile crops in popular circulation, used for paper, textiles, manufacturing, and even medicinal purposes. All parts of the hemp plant can be used. Hemp is praised both for its wide range of applications, and the ease with which it is grown. As a high yield crop, many farmers see not only as a profitable asset, but a way to reduce deforestation and erosion happening to our environment. However, due to its relationship with the marijuana plant, hemp is still somewhat controversial.

Colorado allowed medical marijuana for debilitating medical conditions effective in by an amendment to the Colorado Constitution. These three factors create a regulatory abyss that Colorado has not successfully managed.

Unlike medical marijuana in Massachusetts , which is obviously rather regulated, hemp seed oil is a household product you can easily find at just about any major retailer. In fact, you can even find hemp seed products at your local Walmart.

What is Hemp Seed Oil, and What is it Used For?

Domestic hemp, cultivated for millennia, can replace more environmentally harmful raw materials in the manufacturing of thousands of commercial products. Hemp has been widely used as an industrial crop for nearly the entirety of human domesticated history. It has only been in modern times that the amazing hemp plant and its cultivation has seen widespread prohibition. However, in the past few years, hemp has been making a comeback in the U. Today, we explore the history of hemp, including its era of prohibition, and discover how hemp can be used in modern industry as a sustainable alternative. Hemp is a member of the Cannabis sativa L species of plant just as marijuana is. Hemp is harvested commercially for its seeds and stalk, which are used to manufacture a number of products:. Because it thrives under natural conditions, hemp is most often grown outside, with both male and female hemp plants sown closely together to encourage wind pollination, which increases hemp seed production. The hemp plant grows sturdy and tall, up to 2 to 4 meters in height, without the need for herbicides or pesticides that can be harmful to consumers or the environment. To be considered hemp, a cannabis plant must contain no more than 0. THC is the active compound in marijuana that causes its euphoric effect.

Hemp Medicinal Uses

While medical marijuana gets all of the media coverage these days, CBD-rich hemp used in a medicinal or therapeutic capacity has also been shown to provide numerous benefits. Both hemp and marijuana are a derived from the sativa L species of the cannabis plant. Marijuana plants are flowering female plants that contain significant amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, as it is commonly known. A marijuana plant has anywhere from. THC is what gives marijuana its psychoactive properties that cause the euphoric high. There are hemp varieties cultivated specifically for industrial use. There are hemp textiles, clothing, building materials and more. There are also hemp varieties grown for nutritional and medicinal purposes. Although there are minuscule traces of THC in the hemp plant, CBD, a cannabinoid that has medicinal benefits, exists in larger quantities.

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