Scientific name for hemp

Scientific name for hemp

The marijuana plant has many uses apart from drug use. Hemp has as low as 0. In fact, hemp produces a cannabinoid called CBD. CBD is a nonpsychoactive component of the cannabis plant, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, and actually blocks the high typically associated with marijuana. CBD's nonpsychoactive effects can be helpful in the medical world. A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that the protective effect of CBD has been shown to help in murine collagen-induced arthritis.

What Is Hemp?

The marijuana plant has many uses apart from drug use. Hemp has as low as 0. In fact, hemp produces a cannabinoid called CBD. CBD is a nonpsychoactive component of the cannabis plant, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, and actually blocks the high typically associated with marijuana.

CBD's nonpsychoactive effects can be helpful in the medical world. A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that the protective effect of CBD has been shown to help in murine collagen-induced arthritis. CBD has also been found to help with other ailments such as lymph node problems. Aside from medical uses, hemp can be used to produce large amount of products. Many companies worldwide are using the production of hemp to boost economies. Hemp became legal in Canada in , after a year ban.

Hemp is very restricted in the United States, though. Many experts predict an economic and environmental boost if the restrictions on hemp were lifted. Aside from the economic advantages of a legal hemp industry, we as a society would have less of an impact on the environment too, as hemp could be used for a new sustainable alternative to plastics and papers.

Things are changing. Bills supporting local industrial hemp in several states have aimed to undercut restrictions on farming. For example, in , President Obama signed a U. Also, according to the NCSL, 22 states have enacted state laws dealing with industrial hemp, 13 states have created statutes establishing commercial industrial hemp programs and seven states have passed laws dealing with industrial hemp programs which are limited to agricultural or academic research purposes.

Some of the earliest evidence of hemp cultivation comes from rope imprints on broken Chinese pottery from about 10, B. The Chinese used hemp for clothing, bowstrings and paper. They kept the art of paper making a secret for hundreds of years, but eventually, the Japanese learned it in the fifth century A. By the second century A. By the 16th century, Europeans were using hemp for food and textiles. There is an urban legend that the U.

Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper. This is not true.

According to the Library of Congress, analysis by paper conservators has determined that the paper that Thomas Jefferson used for his draft of the Declaration is mostly likely Dutch in origin. While hemp was commonly used to make paper in Southern Europe during this time, the Dutch were much more likely to use flax or linen rags. During World War II, the lack of available abaca and jute prompted the government to start pro-hemp farming campaigns, including a video called "Hemp for Victory," to meet the Navy's demand for rope.

Hemp demand fell after WWII and government restriction on the plant resumed. Live Science. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. Rope made from hemp fiber.

Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products. It is one of the fastest growing plants and was one of the first plants to be spun into usable. Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown Then it appears to have been borrowed into Latin, and separately into Slavic and from there into The word "canvas" is derived from the word cannabis​.

February 15, There's been a lot of discussion about hemp recently, since the Farm Bill made it legal for farmers to grow industrial hemp for the first time since the passage of the Controlled Substances Act or, practically speaking, since the Marihuana Tax Act. There are still quite a few restrictions and regulations associated with growing hemp, but the fact that hemp is now legal — while marijuana is not — has raised a lot of questions.

Coarse, bushy herb up to 4m tall.

The genus Cannabis Family Cannabaceae is probably indigenous to wet habitats of Asiatic continent. The long coexistence between mankind and Cannabis led to an early domestication of the plant, which soon showed an amazing spectrum of possible utilizations, as a source of textile fibers, as well as narcotic and psychoactive compounds.

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Get the latest information from CDC Coronavirus. Our third president grew weed? This same species of plant is also called marijuana. Yes and no. Hemp and marijuana are both names for the Cannabis sativa plant, but people usually use these terms to talk about two different varieties of the plant.

What is hemp?

Marijuana and hemp are different varieties of the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa L. There are different varieties of Cannabis, just as Chihuahuas and wolves are different breeds of Canis lupus. They are scientifically different and cultivated in different ways. Marijuana is the flowering tops and leaves of psychoactive varieties of Cannabis that are grown for their high THC content. It is used legally in some states, excluding Wisconsin, for medical reasons, and is used for recreational purposes as an illegal drug. That means in all plants in the Cannabis family, there is a chemical that will induce a psychoactive effect and another that will block it. The illegal drug is cultivated to have a THC content of anywhere from 3 percent to 22 percent. Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a cultivated, low-THC variety of Cannabis.

Hemp , Cannabis sativa , also called industrial hemp , plant of the family Cannabaceae cultivated for its fibre bast fibre or its edible seeds. Hemp is sometimes confused with the cannabis plants that serve as sources of the drug marijuana and the drug preparation hashish.

The number of species within the genus is disputed. Three species may be recognized: Cannabis sativa , Cannabis indica , and Cannabis ruderalis ; C. The plant is also known as hemp, although this term is often used to refer only to varieties of Cannabis cultivated for non-drug use.

Industrial hemp is made up of varieties of Cannabis sativa L. Marijuana, hemp and cannabis are common names for plants of the genus Cannabis. The term "hemp" is used for cannabis plants that are grown for nondrug use, such as Cannabis sativa L. There are three species of the hemp plant: Cannabis sativa L. Deltatetrahydrocannabinol THC , the active ingredient of marijuana, is the main difference between the different species. Cannabis sativa L. Varieties have a THC content of less than 0. Hemp is a non-psychoactive form of cannabis. It is low in THC. Many fibre and grain products and industrial uses have been made from Cannabis sativa L. Cannabis indica has poor fibre quality and is used to make drugs for recreation and medicine. The plant is relatively short, conical and densely branched.

Hemp advocates, however, swear by its power. Aside from the fact hemp has benefits for skin and hair, and can be used to make paper, cement, construction materials, bio fuel, clothing, plastic composites and more, those who endorse hemp say it does have equivalent therapeutic benefits via its CBD-rich leaves and stock. They also say marijuana advocates smear hemps name for the purpose of gaining sales. Conversely, marijuana advocates say hemp-sales wo men sell snake oil to make a profit on sick people. Cannabidiol CBD is a cannabinoid known largely for its muscle relaxing properties. Industrialized hemp legalization is shaky. Day-by-day the legality of hemp changes. Scientists and researchers often tip their hats to efficacy of CBD, as it can be a potent and powerful product with amazing therapeutic benefits. But the ways in which CBD is extracted from industrial hemp plants, then manufactured, concentrated, formulated, etc. This is the epicenter of the rivalry.

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