Does hemp cbd oil cause constipation

Does hemp cbd oil cause constipation

Everyone is familiar with the idea of constipation. The dreaded discomfort and the feeling of genuine discombobulation that simply never goes away, no matter how hard you try. There are all kinds of treatment options available these days, with options varying depending on the intensity of the condition. While some treatments seek to loosen your blockages gently, some constipation is severe enough to warrant a full surgery. Could you be using CBD oil for constipation?

CBD Oil and Constipation: Causes & Does It Help?

Sometimes, it happens after downing a king-size plate of KFC. Other times, it comes along with your period. Regardless of why it shows up, constipation is not comfortable at all.

According to an NCBI report , constipation is the number one digestive complaint in America, and an estimated 4 million people suffer from frequent constipation.

And while there are many ways of dealing with the problem, what about an effective natural solution for constipation? Multiple studies and surveys point to the fact that this powerful extract from the cannabis plant can actually treat chronic constipation. In recent years, CBD has gained massive traction as a respected medical treatment. Its unique interaction with the human body has made it a rock star within the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries. Perhaps the reason CBD has risen in popularity so quickly is that it possesses no psychoactive effects.

CBD has been explored as a treatment for a number of health conditions, including inflammation , anxiety , depression , pain , cancer , acne , and more. The cannabinoid is now being used to treat a wide range of gut problems, including constipation.

Back in the day, scientists and everyone else believed that the gut had the basic function of digesting food so the body could extract nutrients from it. Fast-forward many years later, and this belief has been found to be false. Research has consistently shown that in addition to digesting food, the gut is responsible for so much more.

Your gut is where the largest percentage of your microbiome lives. These trillions of organisms consist of parasites, bacteria, eukaryotic parasites, protozoa, archaea, and fungi. The microbiome determines your overall health to a greater percentage. According to a study done at Harvard , microbiota excites our immune system, synthesizes some vitamins, and breaks down toxic food compounds.

From the study, it is evident that your gut and mental health have a characteristically strong bond. In fact, other research has shown that PTSD patients have low levels of certain types of gut bacteria. Thankfully, there are plenty of foods you can eat to enhance the health and wellness of your gastrointestinal tract, including cultured and probiotic foods that create a friendly environment for the good bacteria. According to research published in the Cannabis and Cannabinoid Journal, cannabis has been used for centuries to treat a plethora of disorders related to the gut.

There are many causes of constipation, including irritable bowel syndrome IBS , stress , and a range of neurological conditions. CBD essentially acts as a much-needed laxative that relieves pain and discomfort. One shot of the cannabinoid helps calm down your digestive system. When you ingest CBD, it finds its way to your brain via your bloodstream and affects the neurological system. Ongoing studies have discovered that cannabinoids relax nerve connections and ease the mind and all the muscles.

Once your nerves and muscles are well relaxed, your bowels soon follow suit. Trigger factors for IBS include extreme stress, consuming certain foods, and some hormonal changes. The authors state that the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of cannabinoids make them excellent therapeutic agents against IBS symptoms such as inflammation and pain.

CBD and constipation might not seem related, but studies have shown that the oil can help relieve symptoms. What Is CBD? Cannabinoids, particularly CBD, may also help support gut health. Conclusion CBD and constipation might not seem related, but studies have shown that the oil can help relieve symptoms.

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Cbd oil actually promotes gut health. Why does CBD oil make me jittery? Frequent use of any solution to cure constipation will cause constipation. Hemp is a bio-accumulator and will suck in all the toxins from the soil, thus is you start. › Buying Guides.

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Sometimes, it happens after downing a king-size plate of KFC. Other times, it comes along with your period.

Updated on January 28, Medical content reviewed by Dr.

Hemp Oil Side Effects You Need to Know

Chunky Dunky; bunged up; locked; no matter how discreetly you want to word it, being constipated will be as difficult to talk about as it is to experience. Trying to find the best solution for constipation may require some trial and error. In this article, I shed light on the current research regarding CBD and constipation. I also share my top 5 brand recommendations when it comes to buying CBD oil. Using CBD can help relieve symptoms and set your body back on track. At its core, CBD is known for its remarkably calming properties.

Does CBD Help With GI Issues?

JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Anyone can experience constipation—and whether it is acute or chronic, the symptoms can get pretty uncomfortable. After all, stomach pain can prevent people from concentrating and affect their mood. But there are many ways to ease and treat constipation symptoms, ranging from over-the-counter drugs to natural medicines. One that has gained in popularity recently is CBD oil. Constipation can come in various forms. It is considered to be chronic when sufferers experience less than three bowel movements per week. There are many treatments available for constipation, but not all work equally well. Slow or irregular bowel movements can have various causes.

Digestive issues create many day to day problems for us. Not only they make us sick but also can sometimes become quite debilitating.

Backed up; clogged pipes; no matter how you word it, being constipated is as uncomfortable to talk about as it is to experience. The list of reasons it can happen is vast and the possible victims are, well, everyone. CBD and constipation are two terms that you might expect to see on opposite ends of a medical magazine.


CBD is a natural, plant-based therapy with demonstrated, beneficial effects for people coping with a range of conditions, from insomnia to epilepsy. In fact, many people take CBD oil as a general wellness supplement, simply because it is so effective in rebalancing the body as needed. For individuals with gastrointestinal disorders, that rebalancing tends to focus on inflammation in the gut, large intestine, and other organs in the digestive tract. CBD oil has proven effective for relieving the primary symptoms of GI disorders, like pain and inflammation, as well as secondary symptoms like anxiety. In this guide, we review the types of digestive disorders CBD can be helpful in treating. Then we take a look at how CBD oil works, the specific benefits it provides for individuals with gastrointestinal problems, and how to go about finding a safe CBD oil to treat your own GI condition. Typically, GI issues is a catch-all term for the following conditions. Irritable bowel syndrome IBS causes inflammation in the large intestine. IBS is a chronic condition with no cure, although symptoms can be managed by a combination of diet and lifestyle changes, fiber supplements, and other medications. Because stress can trigger or intensify symptoms, therapy, counseling, and antidepressants may also be recommended. Symptoms include abdominal pain and cramping, fatigue, severe diarrhea, blood in the stool, reduced appetite and weight loss.

CBD Oil for Constipation [Relief?]

Hemp oil, as the name suggests, is processed from the seeds and stalk of the hemp plant. Despite its source, hemp oil has nearly none of the psychoactive THC element which is the primary difference between hemp oil and THC. In fact, much of hemp oil is composed of omega fatty acids, which are also found in fish and olive oil. Whether consumed raw or on the dining table as a food sauce, hemp oil serves the body in many ways. It not only is a source of energy but also stands to improve your overall wellness. The oil also provides minerals, like calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc, which are critical to the well-being of your body. Amino acids are other beneficial compounds found in the oil. Aside from being a supplement, you can use CBD oil for skin care. When applying as part of your skin care regimen, it moisturizes and enhances blood circulation. It has similar effects on the skin when used for massaging.

Can CBD Oil Be Used To Relieve Constipation?

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