Hemp cbd oil user demographics

Hemp cbd oil user demographics

CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol ka-ne-buh-DI-ol. According to Dr. The first is THC, or deltatetrahydrocannabinol, which produces the primary psychoactive effects associated with marijuana. In the medical community, cannabidiol has proven effectiveness in treating cases of childhood epilepsy. For our research purposes, we divided CBD products into four major sectors: sublingual, inhalation, oral, and topical. Sublingual : Use of CBD oils, which is often taken by placing a few drops under the tongue.

Bacon Bits

From treating epilepsy and chronic pain to being a component in beauty products and pet food, it seems that cannabidiol can be used for anything and everything.

But how much do you really know about CBD and its effects? Check out these interesting stats and facts to learn more about the substance that seems to be taking the world by storm. What is CBD? CBD, or cannabidiol, has many healing properties and is widely popular in alternative medicine.

Although it shares many of its health benefits with tetrahydrocannabinol THC , another compound of cannabis, it does not produce the same effects.

Some of the most popular CBD facts and myths discuss whether or not all cannabis compounds can get you high. The fact of the matter is that not all components of marijuana have psychotropic effects. Is CBD legal to use? In , Vermont became the first state to legalize marijuana possession through legislation, not a ballot measure.

Now, Illinois is set to be the first state to legalize the sale of marijuana through its legislature. This percentage has doubled in the last eight years. People aged 70 and over are the least supportive of marijuana legalization. Nevertheless, CBD-food products are sold all over the country. Gone are the days of stigma associated with marijuana use. How many people use CBD? Not surprisingly, CBD is most popular among people in their 20s.

Although there are still more men than women who use cannabis, the number of female CBD users doubled in , CBD demographics prove. Chronic pain relief is by far the most common usage of CBD. Researchers seem to agree that taking CBD is effective in managing pain. Whether applied orally or topically, the facts about CBD indicate that it has a positive impact on arthritis pain. CBD oil reduces joint inflammation and protects the nerves from damage.

CBD is also often used for cancer symptoms and chemotherapy side effects. Glioblastoma is one of the most lethal brain cancers among adults. The study showed that CBD can induce cell death and make the glioblastoma cells more sensitive to radiation. Additionally, further CBD facts from show that while cannabis can potentially kill cancer cells, it has no negative effect on healthy brain cells. Another study compared 74 head and neck cancer patients who used cannabis with 74 non-users with the same type of cancer.

The results showed that cannabis users reported lower levels of anxiety and pain. Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, CBD can reduce inflammation in the digestive tract as well as provide relief from the stress and discomfort that accompany GI issues.

Although most of the promising research has so far been conducted on animals, many people seem to prefer using CBD to antidepressants, as the latter are known to have many side-effects. Speakers who were given an oral dose of mg of CBD 90 minutes before a public speaking test reported that cannabidiol significantly reduced their levels of anxiety.

Another study showed that patients who were given a dose of mg reported feeling less anxiety overall. One of the most important CBD oil facts and benefits is that the compound reacts with the cannabinoid receptors in your system that affect both mood levels and the processing of memories.

In other words, when using CBD, memories of the traumatic event are blocked and anxiety is lowered. A study revealed that when the country legalized medical marijuana, opioid prescriptions fell by 2. A study involving 60 children with autism treated with highly concentrated cannabidiol oil reported that over half of them improved communication. The substance is also proven to help control some types of epilepsy. CBD products for animals are in demand. The American CBD market is the largest in the world.

Still, CBD statistics from will show how realistic this will actually be. This is not surprising as more retailers are jumping at the chance to sell CBD products in their stores. According t o one of the many CBD fun facts , CVS and Walgreens, as well as beauty retailers like Ulta and Sephora, are starting to put these products on their shelves.

Seeing that On top of that, cannabis is taking off on social media, with the Reddit community on CBD now counting 66, subscribers. This is sure to boost CBD oil online sales.

A growing retail channel, direct selling companies, or network marketing companies, use a network o f CBD sales representatives f or their products instead of the traditional retail distribution chain.

With well-established companies operating on the market and a large number of startups, direct sales were the largest channel of distribution for CBD products in Founded in , Kannaway specializes in marketing CBD oil via direct sales. The company also sells other hemp-based products, including CBD oil supplements, skincare products, pet products, and even clothing. The company doubled its revenue between and Thanks to the impressive growth in CBD direct sales , it was listed as one of the best direct selling companies on the DSN Global list.

As the CBD statistics clearly demonstrate, products containing cannabidiol are everywhere and used by people of every age, race, and gender.

The market for CBD is expanding and generating more and more revenue. As people today are becoming more conscious of healthy lifestyles and the importance of natural and organic products, the rising CBD trend will only get bigger.

Ljubica is a writer and researcher who enjoys spending most of her time between the pages of her favorite books or immersed in her writing. With a background in English literature, she prides herself on delivering content that is well-researched and backed up by relevant data. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Accept Read More. Hemp-derived CBD is legal in all 50 states.

CBD can substantially reduce pain levels. Medical cannabis can be substituted for opioids. There are at least 25 direct sales companies in the CBD market. CBD is just one of cannabis compounds.

Healthline What is CBD? Using cannabidiol will not get you high. Marijuana for recreational use is legal in 11 states and DC. Millennials are the biggest supporters of legalizing marijuana for recreational use. It is not legal to use CBD in food. Adults over 50 are the fastest-growing segment of the legal marijuana market.

CBD comes in many shapes and sizes. CBD oil can prevent osteoarthritis pain. A study showed CBD has a positive effect on glioblastoma. National Cancer Institute Another study compared 74 head and neck cancer patients who used cannabis with 74 non-users with the same type of cancer.

CBD is proven to be effective in offering relief from headache disorders. CBD seems to work well for depression.

Cannabis also reduces anxiety levels, the CBD facts show. Cannabidiol reduces the frequency of seizures. Over half of users say their first CBD purchase was planned.

Most CBD products are bought from cannabis dispensaries. The online CBD market is also expected to grow. There are at least 25 CBD oil direct sales companies on the market. Kannaway was the first direct selling company to market CBD oil. Org Vote Hemp.

Ljubica Cvetkovska Ljubica is a writer and researcher who enjoys spending most of her time between the pages of her favorite books or immersed in her writing. You may also like. February 1, January 23, Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

That's according to sales and marketing agency Acosta on the non-psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant (full name Cannabidiol. Now that cannabis is legal in 33 US states (for medical use), CBD user demographics are changing—with the number of baby boomers using.

Many claims are bandied about, but how many are backed up by hard data? CBD is a cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant, and, like medical marijuana, is purported to have a range of health benefits: among them, anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to reduce chronic pain. To get these answers we tracked down and read through all of the largest available surveys on CBD users, with special weight given to surveys that featured nationally representative demographics when the data conflicted. Bits and pieces can be gleaned from each individual study, but together they provide a striking and strikingly positive image of CBD use. Summary: CBD is used by all age groups, but is most popular among the young.

From treating epilepsy and chronic pain to being a component in beauty products and pet food, it seems that cannabidiol can be used for anything and everything. But how much do you really know about CBD and its effects?

Data on medical and non-medical, cannabis type, inventory category, federal licence holders, provincial distributors. Client registrations, amounts by application, amounts sold under federal licence, imports and exports. Monitoring licenced producers, assessments, compliance and enforcement, inspection risk-rating system.

42 CBD Statistics & Facts That Will Pique Your Interest

CBD consumers. The study by High Yield Insights is the first to quantify booming domestic consumer interest in products containing CBD, a therapeutic chemical compound found in cannabis. CBD has been proven to alleviate symptoms associated with seizure disorders and is known to address issues associated with anxiety, pain, depression, sleeplessness and other health conditions. The report breaks ground in understanding the behaviors, product and format preferences and demographics of both current and potential CBD users. The study included U.

Cannabis research and data

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Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data partially from exclusive partnerships. A paid subscription is required for full access.

In order to take advantage of this global movement, you need to know how to properly and legally market and sell your CBD products online. After all, competition is fierce, and with an increasing number of people choosing cannabis as a treatment for widespread illnesses, ailments and medical conditions, staying ahead of your competitors is key. Selling CBD online is perhaps the easiest way to market the popular product note CBD is not legal in all 50 states , which can be transformed into a wide range of products, including:.

Demographic Characteristics of Medical Cannabis Users

Everybody loves it. Wait a minute. What kind of pizza? Is it frozen and available at the grocery store, or is it fresh-made and delivered? Is it Chicago-style? Maybe keto-style with a cauliflower crust? Where and how many people have each of these types of pizza preferences? Do the preferences overlap? The only way to know is to dig into the demographics of pizza consumption. Cannabis — like pizza — does not have a unified base of consumers. The more you know about the buying behaviors and specific characteristics of population segments, the better you are able to market to them. As the market matures, certain demographics will demand specific types of content to put your cannabis products into their worldview.

Hemp User Demographic Data That May Surprise You

What is CBD all about and why are cannabis and hemp oil all over the internet? CBD or cannabidiol is one of the most important active substances in the cannabis marijuana plant. It can be obtained from different cannabis species, but it can also be synthetically produced. There are divided opinions on whether it works better on its own or joined with other cannabis compounds, yet one thing is for sure — its positive effects on human and pet health are undeniable, as CBD statistics are clearly showing. At the moment, only CBD derived from hemp is legal under federal law while we wait for more research on the substance to begin. We can observe CBD as an amazing cure, but we can also watch the changes in the industry.

Social Media Consumer Insights on Who the CBD Industry Should Be Targeting

How to (Successfully) Sell CBD Online: A 2020 Seller’s Guide

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