What can hemp be used for

What can hemp be used for

Although hemp and marijuana are both classified biologically as cannabis, there are a number of important differences between them. These differences are evident in the way each variety is used. The differences are also documented in the language, laws, and regulations that apply to both. We break down the anatomy, history, use, and legality of the hemp plant to get to the heart of not only what distinguishes it from marijuana, but also what makes it such a viable, versatile commodity.

Hemp & CBD Uses, Benefits & Impact Guide | Hemp FAQs

Hemp may not get you high, but it can do pretty much anything else you can imagine. Here are 15 products that can be made from hemp. There are now a handful of breweries around the country that use hemp to make cannabis-infused beer. It turns out that hemp can be used to make some highly effective sunscreen. On top of that, hemp is good for your skin, adding a little extra benefit to using hemp-based sunscreen. All sorts of companies use hemp textiles to make shoes. They usually look similar to canvas kicks.

This is one of the most classic uses of the hemp plant. In fact, humans have been using hemp fibers for more than 10, years, and rope was one of the first products humans made out of hemp. Similar to rope, humans have been using the fibrous parts of the hemp plant to make a huge variety of textiles for thousands of years. In particular, hemp can be used to make fabric, which can then be turned into any piece of clothing imaginable.

This building material is strong, durable, and is an excellent insulator. All of this adds up to an incredibly sustainable and effective way to construct homes and other buildings. The Renew Sports Car has been making headlines over the past couple years because it features a body made out of hemp. Because of this, hemp seeds are used in a wide range of foods and drinks, and many people eat them all on their own.

Hemp fibers can be used to make reusable cloth diapers. Supposedly, hemp textiles can actually be more absorbent than cotton. For the last several years, researchers have worked on building supercapacitators that can store energy way more efficiently and cleanly that current energy sources. So far, the best supercapacitators are made out of graphene nanosheets, which are too expensive to be commercially viable.

But back in , a group of Canadian scientists figured out how to make nanosheets out of hemp fibers, which can then be used to make supercapacitators.

In fact, making CBD oil out of hemp is currently one of the safest, most effective ways to produce and distribute the product. Beyond legal concerns, hemp CBD oil is also a great choice for patients who want the medicinal benefits of cannabis without any of the psychoactive effects of THC.

Clearly, hemp is a do-it-all kind of plant. From textiles to super-food to building material to medicine, hemp can do just about anything you can imagine. View the discussion thread. Get the latest updates on cannabis legalization, politics and technology, as well as developments in medical and recreational marijuana news. Our commitment is to bring you the most important cannabis news stories every day of the week. At Intel we understand that effective marijuana industry news coverage is a constant endeavor.

Every day stories develop regarding cannabis legalization, technological developments, and the medicinal benefits of marijuana use. Each new development carries the potential to impact the marijuana industry regionally, nationally, and internationally.

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Jump to Navigation. Search form Search. Your source for global cannabis industry news! When it comes to products that can be made from hemp, the possibilities seem to be endless.

Sunscreen It turns out that hemp can be used to make some highly effective sunscreen. Shoes All sorts of companies use hemp textiles to make shoes. Rope This is one of the most classic uses of the hemp plant. Clothes Similar to rope, humans have been using the fibrous parts of the hemp plant to make a huge variety of textiles for thousands of years.

Soap Hemp is an excellent base for soap-making. Hemp Sports Car. Diapers Hemp fibers can be used to make reusable cloth diapers. Supercapacitators For the last several years, researchers have worked on building supercapacitators that can store energy way more efficiently and cleanly that current energy sources.

Everything, that is, except get you high. Rate this article:. Authored By:. High Times. Article category:. Marijuana Business News. Recreational Marijuana News. Regional Marijuana News:. United States. Jump back to navigation. Follow Us.

cotton debate has been raging on for decades. Before the cotton industry really took off, we used hemp to produce clothes. This is because hemp. Hemp is one of the oldest domesticated crops known to man. It has been used for paper, textiles, and cordage for thousands of years. In fact.

We've updated our Privacy Policy to make it clearer how we use your personal data. We use cookies to provide you with a better experience, read our Cookie Policy. Article Sep 02, by Nicole Gleichmann.

Hemp , Cannabis sativa , also called industrial hemp , plant of the family Cannabaceae cultivated for its fibre bast fibre or its edible seeds.

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Hemp 101: What Is Hemp, What’s It Used for, and Why Is It Illegal?

Hemp , or industrial hemp , is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products. Although cannabis as a drug and industrial hemp both derive from the species Cannabis sativa and contain the psychoactive component tetrahydrocannabinol THC , they are distinct strains with unique phytochemical compositions and uses. Some governments regulate the concentration of THC and permit only hemp that is bred with an especially low THC content. In those languages "hemp" can refer to either industrial fiber hemp or narcotic cannabis strains. Hemp is used to make a variety of commercial and industrial products, including rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel.

Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America*

Index Search Home Table of Contents. Cannabaceae , although the term has been applied to dozens of species representing at least 22 genera, often prominent fiber crops. The common names hemp and marijuana much less frequently spelled marihuana have been applied loosely to all three forms, although historically hemp has been used primarily for the fiber cultigen and its fiber preparations, and marijuana for the drug cultigen and its drug preparations. Probably indigenous to temperate Asia, C. Hemp was harvested by the Chinese years ago Schultes and Hofmann For most of its history, C. Hemp is one of the oldest sources of textile fiber, with extant remains of hempen cloth trailing back 6 millennia. Hemp grown for fiber was introduced to western Asia and Egypt, and subsequently to Europe somewhere between and BCE. Cultivation in Europe became widespread after ce.

Hemp may not get you high, but it can do pretty much anything else you can imagine.

With the passage of the Farm Bill, which allows hemp cultivation and distribution across state lines, hemp is suddenly all the rage. Lost in the conversation is how versatile the plant is. Despite making up less than 1 percent of all textile products, hemp is a good source of fabric. Hemp fabric is anti-microbial, has a high tensile strength, breathes better than cotton, and gets softer with ages.

Your source for global cannabis industry news!

Your shopping cart is currently empty. If you would like to make a purchase today, add items to your shopping cart. Search Term. Advanced Search. On an annual basis, 1 acre of hemp will produce as much fiber as 2 to 3 acres of cotton. Hemp fiber is stronger and softer than cotton, lasts twice as long as cotton, and will not mildew. Cotton grows only in moderate climates and requires more water than hemp; but hemp is frost tolerant, requires only moderate amounts of water, and grows in all 50 states. Hemp requires no pesticides, no herbicides, and only moderate amounts of fertilizer. On an annual basis, 1 acre of hemp will produce as much paper as 2 to 4 acres of trees. From tissue paper to cardboard, all types of paper products can be produced from hemp. The quality of hemp paper is superior to tree-based paper. Hemp paper will last hundreds of years without degrading, can be recycled many more times than tree-based paper, and requires less toxic chemicals in the manufacturing process than does paper made from trees. Hemp can be used to produce fiberboard that is stronger and lighter than wood. Substituting hemp fiberboard for timber would further reduce the need to cut down our forests. Hemp can be used to produce strong, durable and environmentally-friendly plastic substitutes.

Hemp vs Marijuana: Is There a Difference?

If you pay any attention to the world of marijuana or even the world of politics, you have probably heard about this plant called hemp. So, what is hemp? Hemp is a close relative in the marijuana plant—both members of the cannabis family. For decades, in other areas of the world, hemp has been one of the most versatile crops in popular circulation, used for paper, textiles, manufacturing, and even medicinal purposes. All parts of the hemp plant can be used. Hemp is praised both for its wide range of applications, and the ease with which it is grown. As a high yield crop, many farmers see not only as a profitable asset, but a way to reduce deforestation and erosion happening to our environment. However, due to its relationship with the marijuana plant, hemp is still somewhat controversial. Hemp and marijuana are closely related both by cultural perception and biology.

5 Other Uses for Hemp You May Not Know About

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