Difference between cannabis oil and hemp oil

Difference between cannabis oil and hemp oil

Hemp oil is NOT the same product as cannabis oil. They are made from the same plant but from different parts of it. These two products contain completely different active compounds which have distinct effects on the body. Hemp seeds are some of the most versatile and nutritious seeds known to man, offering tremendous health benefits when consumed. If the oil is made from the seed, it is usually used as an ingredient for cosmetics or foods as it contains important nutrients such as omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. This oil is used in medicinal purposes.

Hemp seed oil vs. CBD oil: Two totally different things—here’s what to know

With so much misinformation on the internet about CBD oil, one of the most common questions we get from consumers is asking what the difference is between CBD from marijuana vs CBD oil from hemp.

To the untrained eye, there may not appear to be any difference between CBD from marijuana vs CBD oil from hemp, but there are actually quite a few notable distinctions between the two. At Medical Marijuana, Inc. Despite these important differences, many prospective cannabis consumers are surprised by the number of similarities between hemp and marijuana.

However, the resemblance should come as little surprise, since both hemp and marijuana are versions of the Cannabis Sativa L. As we dig deeper into the two types of cannabis plants, we begin to see how they can each play a role in the use of cannabis. Marijuana is a cannabis plant that is most frequently harvested for its euphoric, intoxicating, and psychoactive properties, which are responsible for making users feel high or stoned.

The fibers and stalks of marijuana are not used commercially. Instead, the marijuana plant is cultivated specifically for its flowers, which contain the highest levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, in the plant. THC is the compound that is responsible for making users experience psychoactive and intoxicating effects. When compared to hemp, which grows to be very tall, marijuana typically grows shorter and bushier and features lots of flowers.

Though, some variation does exist. Through selective breeding, varieties or strains of marijuana can contain THC concentrations that usually range from 10 percent to 30 percent, and sometimes even higher!

Since marijuana contains high levels of THC, the use and possession of marijuana, whether for recreational or medical reasons, remains federally illegal in the U. However, some states have passed laws that have legalized marijuana use under certain conditions. Hemp is a cannabis plant that is harvested commercially for its seeds and stalks.

Hemp seeds and stalks are incredibly useful and versatile, as they are used to produce a number of products. Some of the most common hemp products include food, medicine, body care products, paper, textiles, building materials, plastic composites, and even biofuels. Depending on which parts of the plant hemp oil is made from the amount of CBD found in hemp will vary. Hemp can produce everything from nutritious hemp foods and hemp seed oil to CBD oil.

Since hemp plants thrive under natural conditions, hemp is typically grown outside. Both male and female plants are sown closely together to encourage wind pollination and increase seed production. The hemp plant grows sturdy and tall without the need for herbicides or pesticides, typically standing somewhere between 2 to 4 meters in height.

For cannabis to be legally considered hemp, it must contain no more than 0. THC is the active compound in marijuana that causes its euphoric effect. Unlike marijuana, hemp is naturally higher in cannabidiol CBD , one of over cannabinoids that have so far been identified in the cannabis plant.

While CBD from hemp and marijuana are more or less identical on a molecular level, CBD from hemp has a few notable benefits. Since hemp recently became federally legal, the CBD from hemp will soon be more highly regulated in the United States. Since they can flourish without chemical additives, hemp plants often contain less potentially harmful pesticides and toxicants on the plant. Another benefit of hemp is the much lower THC level.

Hemp has no more than 0. That way, users of CBD oil from hemp can avoid any intoxicating or psychoactive effects. Marijuana tends to have more resin than hemp plants, which also means that marijuana tends to have a higher amount of CBD than hemp plants.

To successfully extract CBD oil from hemp, a much larger quantity is needed than the amount needed for marijuana. However, the difference between CBD from hemp and marijuana becomes negligible once extracted from the plants.

So now that you know the difference between CBD from marijuana vs CBD oil from hemp, which of the two options should you choose?

While it is true that the percentage of CBD in hemp plants by dry weight is lower than the percentage of CBD in some specially bred marijuana plants, once the oil is extracted from the plant, this difference becomes negligible.

Hemp cultivars varieties also grow much faster than marijuana, so while an intensively bred high-CBD medical marijuana strain would take a full season to grow, a hemp farmer can create a more environmentally sustainable and conscious product.

While it has been warned that hemp is a bioaccumulator absorbs and collects contaminants , it needs to be noted that all cannabis plants, including marijuana strains, are bioaccumulators. A marijuana crop grown with poisonous pesticides or fertilizers is more dangerous to a consumer than a cleanly grown hemp crop, and with minimal regulations in many legal marijuana markets, there is no guarantee that marijuana bought from dispensaries is healthy to use.

Recently in Colorado, there have been a number of recalls for marijuana grown with dangerous, unapproved pesticides. This is the precise reason that Medical Marijuana, Inc. There is nothing inherently dirty about industrial hemp, and as mentioned above, products made from hemp oil have the potential to be cleaner and purer than medical marijuana products. The human body does not care where the molecule comes from. As far as your body is concerned, an H2O molecule is the same, whether it comes from a rushing river or out of your kitchen tap.

And just like with river water and tap water, neither hemp or marijuana is guaranteed healthier than the other, and much depends on outside factors. The fact is that hemp, like marijuana, contains measurable amounts of a number of terpenes and cannabinoids, including CBD and THC. However, the levels of THC in hemp oil are low enough not to be intoxicating, making hemp a legal, more viable alternative for many to high-THC marijuana.

Since CBD hemp oil products are legal at the federal level in the U. CBD hemp oil is also an alternative to marijuana for those who are interested in using CBD but are looking to avoid the negative effects of psychoactive THC.

CBD hemp oil with trace levels or no detectable amounts of THC is also beneficial for those concerned about the need to pass a drug test. Hemp CBD oil has little to no THC, which means you are in little danger of failing a drug test when used at suggested servings. Medical Marijuana, Inc. With so much contradicting information available online, it is important for consumers to do their own research from trusted sources. This website uses cookies to improve user experience.

By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our a Privacy Policy. CBD Oil Education. March 25, By: Jeffrey Stamberger. Marijuana vs. CBD Hemp Oil : Contains high levels of CBD Federally legal in the United States Non-intoxicating, with no psychoactive effects Can be legally purchased both online and in stores Marijuana : Contains high levels of THC Legal only in certain states, such as California and Colorado Federally illegal Intoxicating, with psychoactive effects Available from marijuana dispensaries only in states where marijuana is legal Despite these important differences, many prospective cannabis consumers are surprised by the number of similarities between hemp and marijuana.

What is Marijuana? What is Hemp? Environmental Sustainability Hemp cultivars varieties also grow much faster than marijuana, so while an intensively bred high-CBD medical marijuana strain would take a full season to grow, a hemp farmer can create a more environmentally sustainable and conscious product. Amount of Possible Contaminants in the Plant While it has been warned that hemp is a bioaccumulator absorbs and collects contaminants , it needs to be noted that all cannabis plants, including marijuana strains, are bioaccumulators.

Passing a Drug Test CBD hemp oil with trace levels or no detectable amounts of THC is also beneficial for those concerned about the need to pass a drug test. CBD Oil From Hemp With so much contradicting information available online, it is important for consumers to do their own research from trusted sources.

Table of Contents. However, many who…. Read More Cannabis News.

Curious about the differences between hemp oil vs cannabis oil? Read this article to discover the benefits of these two products and how they can help you. Hemp Oil. Against a shifting regulatory landscape, the distinction between hemp and other forms of cannabis is fast becoming moot.

First, hemp and cannabis are not different plants per se. They are breeds or varieties of the same species: cannabis sativa. Nevertheless, the two varieties have several significant differences that range from how they grow and look to their uses and the chemical compounds in their extractions. For instance, while hemp grows up to fifteen feet tall with long, massive stalks, cannabis grows outward with more leaves and buds and rarely exceeds five feet in height. The industrial hemp plants also seem to grow comfortably closely packed together while each cannabis plant requires some space to grow.

Cannabis oil is a thick liquid extracted from the cannabis plant for its medicinal properties. It is usually taken orally.

Consumers looking to explore the potential benefits that cannabidiol CBD promises are often confronted with some confusion when it comes to terminology. Often housed in 1-ounce glass bottles, CBD oil products can list a variety of names on the label. Shoppers walking through their local health food store may encounter yet another label ingredient — hemp seed oil.

7 Key Differences Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil

CBD oil is made from the leaves, flowers and stalks of the hemp plant—the only parts of the plant where cannabidiol is found. Hemp oil, or hemp seed oil, is made from hemp seeds, meaning there is little to no CBD content. Each type of oil offers its own potent health benefits. The best way to determine if a product is CBD oil or hemp oil is to look at the ingredients listed on packaging. Hemp oil is often looked to for its nutritional power, due to its healthy fats and mineral content. There have also promising studies on its effect on skin disorders and PMS symptoms.

Hemp Oil vs Cannabis Oil – A Detailed Comparison

With the CBD craze in full swing, there is still a lot of confusion going around. No, they are actually completely different things—one of them is used primarily in cooking and the manufacturing of beauty products, whereas the other is an oral tincture that is said to provide its own range of benefits. Both are made from hemp, so it is sometimes hard to figure out which one is which. Keep reading to find out. The quickest way to tell the difference between CBD oil and hemp oil is by looking at the labels and ingredients. Usually around 0. Hemp seed oil has been commonly used for cooking and as an ingredient in various beauty products for many years. CBD oil, on the other hand, can derive from hemp, or any cannabidiol-rich strain of cannabis.

Compared to whole plant CBD -rich cannabis, industrial hemp grown for fiber or seed is typically low in cannabinoid content.

We've updated our Privacy Policy to make it clearer how we use your personal data. We use cookies to provide you with a better experience, read our Cookie Policy. Article Sep 02, by Nicole Gleichmann.

Hemp vs Marijuana: Is There a Difference?

With marijuana usage rising as more U. Officially, marijuana is deemed as Schedule I herbal substance by the U. Drug Enforcement Administration, meaning the drug offers "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse," according to the federal government. That categorization was adjusted after the passage of the Farm Bill, which included a provision that separated hemp from marijuana, as noted in the Controlled Subject Act. Millions of users and a growing number of health specialists disagree with any negative tone, noting that marijuana Cannabis has health-improving components that deserve a closer look by the medical community. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse , "marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical deltatetrahydrocannabinol THC and other related compounds. Extracts can also be made from the cannabis plant. Each is used and sold as natural health remedies and, even as they share certain characteristics, they have some important differences, too. Let's take a closer look at hemp oil and CBD oil and see how they compare - and how they differ. CBD oil is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant and is known scientifically as cannabidiol. CBD is one of known chemical compounds embedded in marijuana plants and differs from hemp in that it contains Tetrahydrocannabinol THC , which is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis. THC levels vary from plant to plant and CBD is largely considered by scientists not to be psychoactive on its own, but foes contain health-improving components that aid individuals suffering from a wide array of medical issues, including high blood pressure, anxiety, and trouble sleeping, among other maladies. CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis plant and then mixed with other herbs and oils to create the CBD oils most often seen in health care products and sold to the public, with varying degrees of validation from health care professionals.

Cannabis Oil vs. Hemp Oil

With so much misinformation on the internet about CBD oil, one of the most common questions we get from consumers is asking what the difference is between CBD from marijuana vs CBD oil from hemp. To the untrained eye, there may not appear to be any difference between CBD from marijuana vs CBD oil from hemp, but there are actually quite a few notable distinctions between the two. At Medical Marijuana, Inc. Despite these important differences, many prospective cannabis consumers are surprised by the number of similarities between hemp and marijuana. However, the resemblance should come as little surprise, since both hemp and marijuana are versions of the Cannabis Sativa L. As we dig deeper into the two types of cannabis plants, we begin to see how they can each play a role in the use of cannabis. Marijuana is a cannabis plant that is most frequently harvested for its euphoric, intoxicating, and psychoactive properties, which are responsible for making users feel high or stoned. The fibers and stalks of marijuana are not used commercially.

Are Hemp Oil and CBD Oil the Same Thing?

CBD from Marijuana vs CBD Oil from Hemp

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