Hemp cbd oil for dogs benefits

Hemp cbd oil for dogs benefits

The fastest growing health trend for both humans and pets in is CBD Oil. If you have a mobility impaired or senior dog, you may be wondering if this is just another passing fad, or if there is any science to support its use. Of course, you want to do all you can for your pet. It turns out that CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol or hemp oil, has been extensively researched. This article will give you a basic primer on what CBD oil is, how it works, and what sorts of health benefits it may offer your dog. CBD Oil is derived from a special strain of cannabis known as hemp.

10 Reasons To Use Full Spectrum Hemp Oil For Dogs

The fastest growing health trend for both humans and pets in is CBD Oil. If you have a mobility impaired or senior dog, you may be wondering if this is just another passing fad, or if there is any science to support its use. Of course, you want to do all you can for your pet. It turns out that CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol or hemp oil, has been extensively researched. This article will give you a basic primer on what CBD oil is, how it works, and what sorts of health benefits it may offer your dog.

CBD Oil is derived from a special strain of cannabis known as hemp. I thought marijuana was toxic to dogs. Strains of cannabis grown for recreational and medical use in humans usually contain high amounts of THC, a psychoactive compound that is toxic to dogs in large doses.

However, hemp is special. This strain of cannabis is regulated by law to contain less than. Hemp is high in another cannabinoid found in hemp: Cannabidiol. But it does have several scientifically researched health benefits. This article will explore those most relevant for our senior and disabled canine companions. The use of cannabis for its medicinal qualities goes back centuries. However, the scientific exploration of the healing qualities is much more recent.

The last few decades in particular have been marked by a surge in laboratory studies on tissues, animals, and humans. It turns out that this system acts with a series of receptors, transmitters, and specialized enzymes to regulate several bodily functions including: metabolism , immunity , digestion , skin health , allergic reaction , anxiety , and more.

Many people think that it sounds like a scam when they see that CBD oil may have so many health benefits, however, it is precisely because the Endocannabinoid System regulates so many other functions in the body that it can have a broad stabilizing effect on these same systems.

Your dog, like all mammals, has her own ECS. In addition to producing her own endocannabinoids, her ECS responds to the introduction to cannabinoids such those found in hemp oil. These can be introduced via food, supplements, and even when applied topically. Especially in canines who suffer from mobility issues, persistent pain and inflammation, or chronic conditions that often come with age such as arthritis. For many disabled and senior dogs, pain management is a key component of treatment to maintain quality of life.

Pain can be caused from injury, surgery, and chronic and progressive disease such as IVDD, hip dysplasia, and arthritis. Generally, pain management will include prescription medications such as opioids. Although these medications are very effective, they also come with serious side effects. Side effects include chemical dependence, long term liver damage, and the potential for a lethal overdose. On the other hand, the natural supplement cannabidiol has been demonstrated in multip le studies to be effective in reducing pain.

Inflammation is a significant source of pain for many of our handicapped and older dogs suffering from chronic conditions.

Typically, these conditions are treated aggressively with NSAIDs nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Unfortunately, this class of drugs has come under recent controversy concerning the safety of their use, particularly for immune compromised and aging dogs. This is particularly a concern for long term pain manageme nt.

These drugs are well known to cause various issues in the gastrointestinal tract and the functions of the livers and kidneys. In fact, renal failure and death are risks of the long term use of this class of drugs. Confirmed by multip le research studies , we n ow know that cannabidiol exerts powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Occurring when taken either orally and when applie d topically to the affected areas of the skin.

One study showed that CBD is so effective against the inflammation caused by Osteoarthritis that it may even slow the progression of this degenerative disease by preventing the nerve damage caused by inflammation! And, its safety profile is strong with fewer and less severe known side effects. Making it possible to reduce the dose of these powerful narcotic drugs for some dogs without compromising on quality of life. This is great news for dog owners looking to avoid complications from long term use of either of these drug classes.

It certainly warrants a conversation with your veterinarian! As our dogs age, they begin to show less interest in activities they once enjoyed. Daily walks, a jaunt to the dog park, a swim in the pond.

In fact, one study done on dogs showed that 2mg of CBD administered twice daily improved mobility for dogs affected with Osteoarthritis. Although CBD Oil is available without a prescription, always talk to your veterinarian before giving it to your dog. This is especially important since CBD oil can interfere with the metabolism of other drugs your canine may need for proper treatment. You may have been told to not eat grapefruit at the same time you take medications.

The chemicals in grapefruit can temporarily inhibit cytochrome P enzymes in the liver which are critical for metabolizing these medications. Cannabidiol can have a similar inhibiting mechanism so timing your dosing may be very important. If you decide to give CBD Oil for your senior or disabled dog a try, be sure that you know what to look for. Unfortunately, thanks to all the recent science on this supplement, demand is high and supply is still trying to catch up.

This makes the market ripe for fake and low quality products, a situation the FDA has warned consumers about. To make a safe purchase, be sure to buy from a trusted company that makes CBD oil just for dogs, such as LolaHemp. If you decide to do your own research on a brand to try, be sure it checks off all of these important quality considerations:. Great information for those that are interested in learning how to better understand what CBD Oils can do to help in pain management for our animals.

Thanks for sharing. Any way around this, or a good way to navigate this? I wonder if her water intake is due to increased activity? Her appetite seems up a bit, but not too much. Why are you recommending hemp oil? This does not sound like it has anything to do with the CBD. I would have the vet check your dog out as increased water consumption and appetite can be signs of diabetes.

Please call us at and we can help answer all of your questions. Your email address will not be published. Time limit is exhausted. What is CBD Oil? Pingback: is cbd oil for humans the same as for dogs. It would be nice to see a list of the specific studies which they mentioned many times. Hi Deb there certainly can be some confusion however, CBD oil is derived from hemp. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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And just as CBD from hemp oul has helped humans, your dog can reap the same health-boosting benefits. Let's look at the 10 things you might not know about this​. Hemp oil is low in CBD and in THC. This makes it unsuitable for medicinal purposes. It is, however, a very good nutritional supplement. It gives your dog more.

CBD oil is everywhere, and seemingly in everything. As some states have begun to legalize both medical and recreational cannabis, the market has enjoyed an influx of readily available CBD , including CBD oil for dogs to treat pain, anxiety, to control seizures and more in the family dog. Cannabidiol CBD is one of the many active compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant. But, much like the use of CBD in humans, not a lot is known about how CBD oil for dogs works — and if it actually works.

Skip to: content. Hi there, and welcome to this brief presentation about CBD oil for dogs.

We choose our product recommendations independently, however, we may receive compensation for purchases made through our site. Learn More. The list below represents our favorite brands and the CBD oils for dogs that they produce.

Dog Articles

When your pet gets sick, you give it your all to find them the best possible medicine or treatment available. Pet owners can see it here. Below is some basic information about CBD, where it comes from, and how it interacts with the body. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis, the plant we often associate with marijuana. You can read more about that here. Unlike THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, CBD is completely non psychoactive and safe to be used on pets.

Hemp Oil For Dogs: A Complete Guide To Its Benefits, Safety, & Administration

Confused about hemp for dogs? One can purchase a variety of hemp-based products, from ingestible oils to hemp-sourced bedding, online and in stores. Yet there is abundant uncertainty in the veterinary community about recommending these products for animals with medical problems — with good reason. Chiefly, we have very little research-based data to answer questions about basic issues, including safety and efficacy. Adding to the uncertainty, laws about hemp and cannabis in general appear to be changing rapidly. Even against this backdrop, veterinarians may provide inquiring clients with some basic facts. Below are several frequently asked questions FAQs , along with answers that might be useful to clients. Both hemp and marijuana come from the same plant — Cannabis sativa. Cannabis is the only plant genus known to produce cannabinoids.

By: Julia Henriques -. Holistic vets have been sending us some interesting reports about the benefits of hemp oil for dogs in their care ….

Reviewed and updated for accuracy on March 3, by Dr. In certain states, medical marijuana is an option for people seeking relief from ailments like seizures, pain, anxiety, and cancer. These pathways control many processes in the body, from inflammatory responses to blood clotting. Do not give dogs straight marijuana or any product containing tetrahydrocannabinol THC , the primary psychoactive component of marijuana.

DogDream CBD and the Benefits of CBD Oil For Dogs

If your dog struggles with anxiety, painful joints, or any number of inflammatory conditions, you may be searching for a safer, more natural alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals. Humans have safely used hemp for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. However, the different extracts made from its components can be confusing. Hemp seed oil is an excellent source of the essential fatty acids, Omega-3 and Omega It is packed with protein, and may aid in digestion, heart health, and overall skin quality. Due to its high levels of Omegas, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, hemp seed oil is commonly considered a Superfood. However, you will often find it listed as an inactive ingredient in full spectrum hemp oil where it serves as an important carrier oil. When oil comes from the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant rather than the seeds, it contains several beneficial substances not found in hemp seed oil. Among them are compounds known as cannabinoids that act within the body to reduce inflammation, combat nausea, stimulate the appetite in old or sickly dogs, and provide an overall calming effect. Hemp oil in its full spectrum form is known to have a calming effect on people and pets. It may help your dog deal with separation anxiety and phobias related to storms, fireworks, car rides, etc. Recent clinical studies have shown great promise in using hemp extract to help improve the mobility of dogs with arthritis.

CBD for Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

This post may contain affiliate links. Read more here. Updated: April 8, If you have spent any time researching cannabis for dogs, and specifically cannabidiol CBD , you have probably found yourself wondering whether these products are safe, and even if they will offer any real benefits for your pained, anxious, or elderly dog. But we have done our best to stare into the CBD abyss and pull out as much as possible to help you decide whether it might be good for your dog. Cannabidiol for Dogs — Quick References.

FAQ: What you need to know about hemp and dogs

CBD Oil for Improved Mobility in Senior and Disabled Dogs

CBD Oil For Dogs: A Veterinarian Explains The Pros And Cons

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