Hemp effects

Hemp effects

Hemp is making headlines right now. Touted as both an environmental saviour of our planet and a natural alternative for maintaining optimum health, the hemp plant is carving out quite a reputation. While it may feel like these hemp benefits are new discoveries, they have in fact been around for thousands of years. Thanks to the domination of the petroleum and pharmaceutical industries, hemp has found itself either completely prohibited or unfairly consigned to au naturelle, hippy living. But hemp is making a come back, so stay tuned to find out about some amazing hemp benefits for both our health and the planet.

Positive Hemp Effects On Our Health And The Environment

Hemp is making headlines right now. Touted as both an environmental saviour of our planet and a natural alternative for maintaining optimum health, the hemp plant is carving out quite a reputation.

While it may feel like these hemp benefits are new discoveries, they have in fact been around for thousands of years. Thanks to the domination of the petroleum and pharmaceutical industries, hemp has found itself either completely prohibited or unfairly consigned to au naturelle, hippy living.

But hemp is making a come back, so stay tuned to find out about some amazing hemp benefits for both our health and the planet. Hemp is a variety of Cannabis Sativa, a herbaceous flowering plant originally found in India.

Hang on a sec, cannabis sativa? Does that mean that hemp gets you stoned? Well, actually, no. Despite being from the same genus as marijuana, hemp has been bred to have long stems and fewer flowers. So how does a plant that rivals cotton and paper for strength and durability, as well as providing remedies for a host of health conditions, end up being bound and gagged by prohibition?

To find out why, we have to focus our attention on the United States cerca s, where an unholy triumvirate of anti-hemp economic interests was forming. At the centre could be found Mr Harry Anslinger, the head of the newly-formed Federal Bureau of Narcotics, who, along with newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst and the Dupont Company -the creators of Nylon — made it their mission to wipe hemp and cannabis off the map of America.

The result was the United States Marihuana Tax Act, banning the cultivation of hemp for any purpose — fibre or medicinal. The late twentieth and early twenty-first century has seen our planet spinning ever closer towards environmental disaster. Our wanton overuse of limited natural resources, the destruction of our rainforests, industrial scale contamination, and of course, consumerism, is literally wrecking this place we call home. We and our planet are getting sicker.

But imagine if the answer to both problems lay in one single plant? You guessed it, hemp. For thousands of years, hemp and cannabis have been an integral part of folk medicine. Since the discovery in the s of special compounds in cannabis and hemp called cannabinoids, scientists have been researching the wide variety of effects they have on the body.

Initially, THC tetrahydrocannabinol was the main focus of attention, due to its intoxicating effects. Lately, however, the second most abundant cannabinoid, CBD cannabidiol has been creating a buzz, much in part to its complex mechanism of action and many anecdotal reports of extraordinary health benefits.

So far, most scientific research has been at a preclinical level, meaning it has been performed only on cell cultures or animal models. One CBD drug, Epidiolex, has been through the lengthy and expensive three stages of clinical trials and will soon be available for children with rare cases of epilepsy. CBD has also been shown to reduce inflammation in animal models which means hemp for pain relief, could also be another important reason to use this versatile plant. Raw hemp is also gathering momentum as a great hemp alternative for boosting optimum health.

Made from freshly-picked raw hemp, it contains a wider spectrum of active compounds, in particular CBDA, which is otherwise destroyed with the application of heat all CBD oils have been through some heat process in order to turn CBDA, its acid precursor, into CBD.

Not to be confused with hemp oil essentially, CBD oil , it is made from hemp seeds and contains only trace levels of CBD. Instead, it is rich in Omega 3 and 6, vitamin E, potassium and magnesium. Great for moisturizing inside and out, making it both a superfood and super-ingredient in many skin and hair ranges.

So what positive hemp effects are there for the environment? Cellulose, a constituent of plastics such as cellophane, celluloid, and rayon, can be made from hemp. Providing an alternative to paper made from wood chip, the third largest polluter to water, air, and land in North America, is another area of planet-saving hemp potential.

Turns out, one acre of hemp provides the same amount of paper as 4 acres of trees, while the actual paper-making process is much cleaner as no chemical processing is needed. Hemp paper is more durable than paper made from wood pulp, and can also be better recycled. Not only does hempcrete have a negative carbon footprint i.

Biofuel — fuel derived from living matter that serves as an alternative to petrol or diesel — can be made from pressed hemp seed oil or ethanol from the fermented hemp stalks. Hemp cloth is the hot, eco-fabric of the moment, boasting a much cleaner production process than organic cotton.

Without the need for pesticides, hemp requires comparatively little water and only takes one acre to produce as much as acres of cotton. Hemp also beats cotton on strength, is lightweight, absorbent, UV and mold-resistant, and even flame-retardant.

One of the lesser known environment-saving qualities of hemp is its ability to clean up polluted soils. This is through a process called phytoremediation , in which contaminants are sucked up by the fast-growing hemp roots, which either store or turn the toxins into other harmless substances.

A famous example is the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, when industrial hemp was grown in the aftermath to clear contaminants from the soil. Hemp also absorbs cadmium, a dangerously toxic heavy metal responsible for polluting vast swathes of land worldwide. So, it looks like the world could be on the cusp of a hemp revolution.

Skip to content. Facebook Twitter Instagram. Vat No: Table of Content. Introduction What is hemp? How hemp fell out of favour Hemp makes a come back Hemp health benefits Hemp benefits for the environment. Introduction Hemp is making headlines right now. What is hemp? How hemp fell out of favour So how does a plant that rivals cotton and paper for strength and durability, as well as providing remedies for a host of health conditions, end up being bound and gagged by prohibition? Hemp makes a come back The late twentieth and early twenty-first century has seen our planet spinning ever closer towards environmental disaster.

Hemp health benefits For thousands of years, hemp and cannabis have been an integral part of folk medicine. Hemp benefits for the environment So what positive hemp effects are there for the environment?

Hemp paper Providing an alternative to paper made from wood chip, the third largest polluter to water, air, and land in North America, is another area of planet-saving hemp potential. Hemp biofuel Biofuel — fuel derived from living matter that serves as an alternative to petrol or diesel — can be made from pressed hemp seed oil or ethanol from the fermented hemp stalks. Hemp clothing Hemp cloth is the hot, eco-fabric of the moment, boasting a much cleaner production process than organic cotton.

Hemp as a soil decontaminant One of the lesser known environment-saving qualities of hemp is its ability to clean up polluted soils. Related posts.

Possible Side Effects. According to RX List, taking whole hemp by mouth can cause many side effects including: Throat irritation; Diarrhea. CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant, then diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil. It's gaining.

If you pay any attention to the world of marijuana or even the world of politics, you have probably heard about this plant called hemp. So, what is hemp? Hemp is a close relative in the marijuana plant—both members of the cannabis family.

Hemp , Cannabis sativa , also called industrial hemp , plant of the family Cannabaceae cultivated for its fibre bast fibre or its edible seeds. Hemp is sometimes confused with the cannabis plants that serve as sources of the drug marijuana and the drug preparation hashish.

Hemp seeds, also known as hemp hearts in their hulled form, are a trendy health food that's actually been around for centuries. Whether you sprinkle, stir or eat them straight, these tiny, nutty-flavored seeds have powerful properties. Contrary to what you might think, though, instead of getting you high, hemp seeds can help get you healthy.

Cannabidiol (CBD) — what we know and what we don’t

Hemp Cannabis sativa L. The various parts of the hemp plant are used to make different products. The seeds of hemp are edible and are considered highly nutritious with a high concentration of soluble and insoluble fiber, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for heart health and skin health. Hemp is grown for non-drug use because it contains only trace amounts of THC the psychoactive component of the marijuana plant that is responsible for getting a person high. There are three different species of plants that come from the Cannabis genus in the Cannabaceae family ; these include Cannabis sativa , Cannabis indica , and Cannabis ruderalis.

The cardiac and haemostatic effects of dietary hempseed

Despite its use in our diet for hundreds of years, hempseed has surprisingly little research published on its physiological effects. This may have been in the past because the psychotropic properties wrongly attributed to hemp would complicate any conclusions obtained through its study. However, hempseed no longer contains psychotropic action and instead may provide significant health benefits. Hempseed has an excellent content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These compounds have beneficial effects on our cardiovascular health. Recent studies, mostly in animals, have examined the effects of these fatty acids and dietary hempseed itself on platelet aggregation, ischemic heart disease and other aspects of our cardiovascular health. The purpose of this article is to review the latest developments in this rapidly emerging research field with a focus on the cardiac and vascular effects of dietary hempseed. Cannabis sativa L. Two main types of Cannabis Sativa L. The second type of Cannabis Sativa L.

Hemp , or industrial hemp , is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products. Although cannabis as a drug and industrial hemp both derive from the species Cannabis sativa and contain the psychoactive component tetrahydrocannabinol THC , they are distinct strains with unique phytochemical compositions and uses.

Common or street names: Bud, ganja, grass, hashish, hemp, Indian hemp, marijuana, pot, reefer, weed. Cannabis sativa , also known as hemp, is a species of the Cannabinaceae family of plants.

Shelled Hemp Seed Side Effects

Cannabidiol CBD has been recently covered in the media, and you may have even seen it as an add-in booster to your post-workout smoothie or morning coffee. What exactly is CBD? Why is it suddenly so popular? CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis marijuana. While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana , it is derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. To date, there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD. CBD is readily obtainable in most parts of the United States, though its exact legal status is in flux. Currently, many people obtain CBD online without a medical cannabis license. The legality of CBD is expected to change, as there is currently bipartisan consensus in Congress to make the hemp crop legal which would, for all intents and purposes, make CBD difficult to prohibit. In numerous studies, CBD was able to reduce the number of seizures, and in some cases it was able to stop them altogether. Videos of the effects of CBD on these children and their seizures are readily available on the Internet for viewing, and they are quite striking. CBD is commonly used to address anxiety, and for patients who suffer through the misery of insomnia, studies suggest that CBD may help with both falling asleep and staying asleep. CBD may offer an option for treating different types of chronic pain. A study from the European Journal of Pain showed, using an animal model, CBD applied on the skin could help lower pain and inflammation due to arthritis.

What Are The Side Effects of Hemp Oil On your Body?

Down to its versatility and myriad of health benefits, Hemp Oil has reached an all time high in popularity, and men are women who want to make healthier lifestyle choices are reaching for the wellbeing product. Hemp is an all natural ingredient which can support your health and well-being through a high supply of minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. For instance hemp may contain 0. Hemp oils main components are in fact omega fatty acids, similar to those which can be found in fish and olive oil. Almost everything we use in our diet to prevent or manage health problems has some risk of side effects, and hemp oil is no exception. Firstly it is important to note, however, that negative side effects of hemp oil are rare and some only occur in extreme cases, they can also be considered minor in comparison to the side effect of pharmaceuticals. To date, there have been no reported cases of toxicity from the ingestion of hemp seed oil. The omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids found in hemp oil are classified as polyunsaturated meaning that they are a healthy dietary fat.

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